Legally binding and paperless, secure document access

All documents are E-signed and maintained digitally in the cloud. ComplianSer™ provides an easy to use template creation wizard for you to create your own custom library of documents – from your existing legacy PDF or scanned documents. No need to re-create a document.

Deploy any operational standards or revisions holistically across your business(es) in real time, and raise alerts to ensure prompt conformance. ComplianSer™ uses legally binding e-Signatures that distributes all of your requirement items digitally.

Imagine re-distributing your 55 page Employee Handbook to all of your employees, and having them review and sign the handbook or other policies on a periodic basis. All done automatically by our compliance engine.

When a particular requirement has changed, simply create a new version of the existing template and ask the system to re-apply it to the appropriate employees / businesses (done under 2 minutes).  The new template can be assigned to current employees or only for future employees only. No further action is needed as ComplianSer™ will raise alerts to complete the new templates.

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